To report a problem with Town parks, Town buildings, and Town Streets (This includes park/building bathrooms, playground equipment, landscape, building heating issues, doors, lighting issues, and potholes, dead animals on roadway or right-a-way, drainage/flooding, street sweeping, and snow plowing) click on the link below. All reports must include location of problem. If an Emergency call 911. For non-Emergency problems contact Public Works Supervisor Nate Goldsberry at 719-873-0246 or email- publicworks@southfork.org .
Town of South Fork Work Order for Public Use
Street Cut Permits can be found on the Building Permits page.
The public works department consists of five sections: Streets, Parks, Engineering, fleet, and Facilities. The public works strives to deliver the daily services desired by our residents as captured in the Towns vision and mission statements. The public works staff serves as a resource to the Town citizens. The Public works department is committed to leading by example, this is done through attentive listening, earning respect by keeping our word and owning up to our mistakes, and building relationship by investing ourselves in serving the civic needs or our customers. The Public works consists of two full time employees and one on call/ part time employee.
Public Works Vision
We strive to be proactive, knowledgeable, maintain higher level of safety for our citizens, travelers and workers. Maintain a better cleaner looking image of the town. We also respect team creativity improving community driven services.
Public Works Mission
- Will respect others respectfully
- Will act with integrity
- Will strive for excellence
- Will be accountable for His or Her actions
- Will conduct jobs in safe manner
- Will be dependable
- Will be expected to demonstrate a strong work ethic
- Will conduct themselves in a disciplined manner
- Will be open to innovative ways of completing the Department's Mission
- Will conduct Him or Her self in a professional manner
~The Town of South Fork Public Work Does Not Plow or Clear Out Driveways
~Streets are plowed open during snow storms, once the storms are over clean up and push back procedures are done by making sure all snow is pushed off the edge of the roadway
~When cleaning driveways make sure snow is pushed to the edge of the driveways and no dribbles of snow left in roadway per Colorado Revised Statute 43-5-301
~See below under Snow Removal for more details
Public Works Sections
The Public works is responsible for maintaining 35 center line miles of town roadways includes paved and unpaved streets. This includes snow plowing, street patching and pothole repairs, street sweeping, Parking lot striping, curb and gutter repairs, and drainage ditch maintenance, right-a-way mowing and maintenance, weed control, traffic control devices, and more(see descriptions below).
Snow removal is done on all Town maintained streets, cul-de-sacs, parking lots, and sidewalks. Snow removal is done by a priority list set for Monday-Thursday and Friday-Sunday. Look at links below to see the maps for plow routes priority list. Snow removal is done when snow fall meets certain criteria, this is to help keep snow removal cost lower. Look at links below to see criteria for snow removal.
State managed roads with in the Town Limits are Highway 160 and Highway 149. These are plowed and maintained by Colorado Department of Transportation. All other streets that are privately owned or owned by subdivision are not maintained by the Public Works Department even though they are in Town Limits. All other streets that are owned by the Town within the Town limits is maintained by the Public Works Department
Town of South Fork Snow Removal Policy
This includes replacing faded or worn out signs within Town Limits, installation of traffic control signs and devices during special events, and installation and removal of seasonal signs.
The major portions of work done on streets is pot hole patching, line striping, crack filling, asphalt patching, mowing of over grown grass and shrubs along the right-a-ways, trimming back over grown trees into roadway and right-a-ways causing obstructions, shouldering and drainage management.
The public works is responsible for maintaining 30 acres, this consist of landscaping, renovations, weed control, playground equipment maintenance, bathrooms, walkways, irrigation system, mowing, and fence maintenance.
The public works handles capital projects, which include issuing request for proposals, and organizing and directing engineering design teams. Also to work on improvements for future growth development for streets and right-a-ways that work with state and federal agencies.
Currently public works maintains a fleet of 12 pieces of equipment that is run by streets and parks. This consist of a variety of mowers, trailers, snow removal equipment, heavy equipment, and turf equipment
Public works is responsible for maintaining 7 buildings. This includes maintenance of lighting (except power), damaged or worn structure, up keep of signs and exterior of buildings.
Call Before You Dig!
The law requires that you notify your utility services at least 48 hours before you dig a hole, large or small, on your property. If you dig a hole without calling the line-locating number, you could be fined and charged for the repair.The service is free!You can reach it by calling 811, this is a nation wide number. They will contact all the companies that have underground lines in your area and dispatch professionals to mark them on your property. Please remember to call before you dig.