Starting or Relocating a Business in South Fork
As the first Colorado Gateway Community for the Continental Divide Trail Coalition, South Fork supports community initiatives for sustainable economic development. It is fortunate to have active business organizations and a community foundation. South Fork's broadband and fiber optic services support entrepreneurial enterprises and home based businesses. If you would like to improve your lifestyle, come to South Fork to live with adventure and work in peace and tranquility. Much more information about relocating or starting your business in South Fork is available through the Upper Rio Grande Economic Development organization.
Registering Your Business/Trade Name:
State of Colorado-Department of Revenue Secretary of State: (303) 894-2200 (also for Raffle/Bingo License)
Rio Grande County (optional) Rio Grande County's Clerk: (719) 657-3334
A Business License is required for each special events vendor and business, occupation, or profession within the Town of South Fork which consists of selling goods, wares, merchandise or services; the performing or rendering of services for charge; the leasing, renting or furnishing of accommodation units; and the carrying on or engaging in any non-residential business. Each business conducted at a separate location, regardless of ownership, shall obtain and maintain a separate business license. After obtaining a Colorado Sales Tax Number (license renewed annually) from the State of Colorado, you must apply for a yearly renewable operating license with the Town of South Fork. Each vendor who sells at a special event is required to obtain a business license. This license can be done online if there is ample time prior to the event. It is the event coordinator's responsibility to notify the vendors prior to their event so they can obtain a business license from the State of Colorado and the Town of South Fork.
Please Note:
- Application must have all requested fields completed. Any incomplete application will be immediately returned to the applicant for completion.
- Applications must be accompanied with an Emergency Contact Form.
Sales Tax Information:
Owners or their management companies, who lease or rent rooms and accommodations for less than 30 days, must collect and remit the local sales tax. Local sales tax applies to hotels, motels, camping grounds, and short term rentals. Sales tax collection must be remitted by the business owner directly to the Department of Revenue. If you are applying for a new sales tax number, you can obtain forms through the Department of Revenue.
RE: Sales Tax Increase for the Town of South Fork
During the April 2024 Election, the voters of the Town of South Fork passed a measure to increase the Town’s sales tax from 2% to 4%. The measure passed by a vote of 102 in favor to 62 opposed.
The Town passed Ordinance No. 2024-01 at the Board of Trustee Meeting on April 23, 2024, approving the sales tax increase by a vote of 6-0 by the sitting Trustees. The Ordinance was published in the South Fork Tines and Valley Currier by May 2, 2024, as required for Public Notice.
The Town’s sales tax officially increased beginning July 1, 2024, from 2% to 4%. If you have questions concerning the increase, please contact the Town of South Fork by phone at (719)873-0152 or email .
2.9% State Sales Tax
2.6% County Sales Tax
4.0% Town Sales Tax
9.5% TOTAL Sales Tax Collected
2.0% Lodging Tax (For Hotels, Motels, Lodge Hospitalities, B&B's, RV/Cabins and Camping facilities, and Short-term Rentals)
11.5% TOTAL Sales Tax Collected
Rio Grande County Lodging Tax is a separate tax collected in addition to Sales Tax, by the State, and specifically the County, it is commonly know as bed tax. Lodges, motels and any business that provides overnight accommodations are required to collect and remit them to the State of Colorado. The funds collected goes toward advertising, brochures and other methods in an effort to attract visitors to our area. The lodging Tax rate is 2.0%.
Property Tax-Real and or Personal:
The Town of South Fork does not collect Property Tax. All Property Taxes are billed and collected through Rio Grande County. For more information contact:
Rio Grande County Assessor (719) 657-3326
Rio Grande County Treasurer (719) 657-2747
New, Yearly Renewals and Special Events:
The Clerk's Office will be issuing renewal statements for all business licenses on or before the 15th of December. If you do not receive a statement by January 3rd, please contact the Clerk's Office at 719-873-0152. The cost of a business license is $25.00.
2025 Business License Downloadable Application
2025 Special Events Business License Downloadable Application
2025 Online Business License Application
2025 Online Special Events Business License Application
Printable Business Emergency Contact Form
Colorado Department of Revenue (303) 866-4359
Registration: Per South Fork Municipal Code 6-4-100
No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog over four (4) months of age within the Town unless such animal is vaccinated, registered and licensed. The provisions of this Article Section do not apply to dogs owned by licensed research facilities or held in a veterinary medical facility or a government-operated or licensed animal shelter.
Each owner must register their dog within thirty (30) days after obtaining such dog over four (4) months of age.
Registration shall include the name and address of the owner and the name, breed, color, age and sex of the animal. The owner shall also pay the prescribed registration fee to the Town Clerk and provide proof of current rabies vaccination.
Registration period and renewal:
The registration period shall be for one (1) calendar year. The vaccination and licensing shall be performed during the months of January and February of each calendar year. Any person who acquires or harbors any dog between March 1 and December 31 of any calendar year, immediately following such acquisition or upon such harboring, shall have the dog vaccinated against rabies and licensed for the remaining portion of that calendar year. New residents must register animals within thirty (30) days of establishing residency. Owners who fail to register animals will be subject to additional delinquent fees.
All dogs shall be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian, in accordance with the latest "Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines and Recommendations for Immunization," published by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarian.
Certificate of vaccination:
The owner of each dog(s) shall obtain a certificate of vaccination on a form recommended by the Compendium. Each owner shall also obtain a durable vaccination tag indicating the year in which it was issued. The rabies tag must be attached to the collar of the animal. The tag must be worn at all times and is not transferable. The Town Hall shall maintain a record of all registered animals and their owners, and such records shall be available to the Animal Control Officer.
Why Register?
Our main goal is to keep all dogs within the South Fork area safe in the case they should be lost or stolen, either by accident or due to an emergency situation, we want to be able to identify your fur babies and return them to their "paw"-ents. We ask that you be prepared and register your dog today!
Don't have an animal companion yet? Visit a local animal shelter to find yours today!
1 Year License for Spayed or Neutered | $2.00 |
1 Year License for Unaltered | $10.00 |
Cost for Replacement Tag | $2.00 |
Registration fees shall be waived for dogs serving the blind or deaf or government-owned dogs used for law enforcement. Profits will go towards general operating costs, any extra amounts will be donated to a local animal shelter where animals are taken by the Police Department as needed.
Online Dog License Application
General Election Information

Colorado became an all-mail ballot state as of May 10, 2013. Ballots for the Municipal Election will be sent to all registered voters by mail. Ballots for the Municipal Election will be mailed by the Town of South Fork to all eligible voters. Ballots must be received at the South Fork Town Hall by mail or in person by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day in order for your vote(s) to be counted. Ballots received after 7:00 p.m. on Election Day will not be counted. POSTMARKS DO NOT COUNT AS A RECEIVED DATE! The Town Clerk is the Designated Election Official for all Regular and Special Municipal Elections, in the Clerk's absence the Deputy Clerk assumes the roll of Designated Election Official. Regular Municipal Elections are held on the first Tuesday in April of even-numbered years to elect members to the Board of Trustees and bring forward local ballot questions, when necessary. Nomination Petitions are available 91 days (January 9, 2024) prior to a Municipal Election. There will be three (3) seats on the Board of Trustees up for election. The Town is not responsible for General Elections or Elections coordinated with Rio Grande County in November. The 2024 Election will be held on April 9, 2024. Ballots will be mailed out beginning March 18, 2024. Any questions can be sent to Hank Weber at or by calling 719-873-0152.
Per Colorado State Statute an election can be cancelled when:
- The only matter before the voters is the election of persons to office.
- There are not more candidates than offices to be filled at such election.
- The clerk, if instructed by resolution of the governing body either before or after such date, shall cancel the election and by resolution declare the candidates elected. If so provided by ordinance, upon such declaration the candidates shall be deemed elected.
- Notice of such cancellation shall be published if possible, in order to inform the electors of the municipality, and notice of such cancellation shall be posted in not less than one public place.
Refer to C.R.S. 31-10-507 for additional information.
If you are wondering if you are eligible to vote in the Town of South Fork Municipal elections you can verify your voter registration status with the Rio Grande County Clerk or by visiting
This site allows you to register to vote, check voter registration status and review mailing address information for accuracy.
Per Colorado State Statute, the Qualifications of the Municipal Electors include, but are not limited to the following:
- Are a U.S. citizen
- Are 18 years of age or older on the date of the election at which you intend to vote
- Are a Colorado resident for at least 22 days before the election at which you intend to vote
- Are not serving a sentence (including parole) for a felony conviction
Refer to C.R.S. 31-10-201 for additional information.
Per Colorado State Statute, the Qualifications for Electors to hold office include, but are not limited to the following:
- Are 18 years of age unless another age is required by ordinance
- Resides in the municipality for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of the election
- No Elector can be a candidate for two municipal offices at the same election
Refer to C.R.S. 31-10-301 for additional information.
Liquor License Information
Colorado is a dual-licensing state, meaning liquor license applications are reviewed at both the local and the state level. The South Fork Town Clerk's office acts as a liaison between the applicant and the State. All applications for a new license, a transfer of a license or a renewal of a license must be submitted to the Clerk's office for local approval before being sent to the State Liquor Enforcement Division for review. All liquor licenses are issued for a one year period from the date it was issued. All state and local liquor licenses must be renewed annually.
Town of South Fork Retail Liquor License
Town of South Fork Bed and Breakfast Permit
The Liquor Licensing application process can take anywhere from six weeks to six months to complete depending on when the application is received, the complexity of the application, the timing of the public hearing, and the workload at the State Liquor Enforcement Division. Therefore, you must communicate with the Clerk's office well in advance of your opening date or, if buying an existing business, well in advance of closing on the sale of the business. Failure to contact the Clerk's office prior to closing on a business may result in interruptions to service and delays in licensing.
Applying for a liquor license requires attention to detail when completing the application and supplying the required supporting documents. Please visit the South Fork Town Hall to obtain an application and to schedule an appointment to go over the application, make revisions, and obtain additional documentation as needed.
Special Event Permits:
A Special Event Permit application must be submitted first to the Town of South Fork Clerk\'s office and can take anywhere from two weeks to thirty days depending on when the application is received. Depending on if there are no objections during the ten day public notification process,then the permit will be processed. If there are objections then a public hearing would take place within the next thirty days. Therefore you must communicate with the Clerk\'s office well in advance of the special event. Failure to contact the Clerk\'s office prior to the special event may result in the application being denied. In order to quality for a Special Event Permit, you must be Nonprofit and one of the following: Social, Fraternal, Patriotic, Political, Athletic, Chartered Branch, Lodge or Chapter, of a National Organization or Society, Religious Institution, Philanthropic Institution, Political Candidate, or Municipality Owning Arts Facilities. The Special Event Permit will only be good for the times and dates specified in the application. If the event is cancelled, the application fees and the day(s) are forfeited. All checks should be made out to the Town of South Fork and not to the state. (C.R.S. 12-48-102 and 12-48-106)
Town of South Fork Special Event Permit Application
Liquor Law and Regulations:
We recommend that you become familiar with the Colorado Liquor Code and Colorado Liquor Rules.
These documents are available on-line at the Colorado Department of Revenue website .
The Town of South Fork will not take payment for the State liquor license. You will need to pay for this license separately. To pay for your State Liquor License please go to:
Questions? Call 719-873-0152 or .
Application Fees: | |
New License Application Fee | $1000.00 |
Transfer of ownership Application Fee | $750.00 |
Late Renewal Application Fee | $500.00 |
Annual Renewal Application Fee | $100.00 |
Art Gallery Permit Application Fee | $100.00 |
Retail License Fees: | |
Art License | $41.25 |
Beer & Wine License | $48.75 |
Brew Pub License | $75.00 |
Club License | $41.25 |
Hotel/Restaurant License | $75.00 |
*Hotel/Restaurant with Optional Premises (each) | $75.00 |
Resort Complex License (each) | $75.00 |
Additional facility Permit to existing Resort Complex | $15.00 |
Liquor Licensed Drug Store | $22.50 |
Optional Premise License | $75.00 |
Racetrack License | $75.00 |
Retail Liquor Store License | $22.50 |
Tavern License | $75.00 |
Vintners Restaurant License | $75.00 |
Fermented Malt Beverage & wine on/off premises license fee | $3.75 |
Issued Permit Fees: | |
Art Gallery Permit | $3.75 |
Bed and Breakfast Permit fee | $25.00 |
Special Events Permits: | |
Malt, Vinous and Spirituous Liquor | $100.00 |
3.2% Beer/Fermented Malt Liquor | $100.00 |
Mini-bar Permit (attached to H/R license) | $48.75 |
Additional Fees: | |
Change of Location | $750.00 |
Change of trade name/corporate name | $100.00 |
Manager Registration | $75.00 |
Art Gallery Renewal Application fee | $100.00 |
Temporary Permit | $100.00 |
You can view the Town of South Fork's Municipal Code here or you can ask to see it at the South Fork Town Hall.
Town of South Fork Municipal Code
Town of South Fork Emergency Operations Plan
Please make all inquiries to:
Hank Weber
Town Administrator
PO Box 369
0100 Silver Thread Lane
South Fork, CO 81154
The following ordinances have been approved by the Town Board of Trustees:
The Town of South Fork is in the process of treating the spread of the Gunnison's Prairie Dog (not to be confused with Pocket Gophers). This species is hard to treat as there is only one product available that relies on very specific conditions to kill off the Gunnison's Prairie Dog. The Town is looking into other available treatments, but treatment is limited due to federal guidelines. Property owners shall be responsible for eradication of the Gunnison’s Prairie Dog in accordance with town-approved procedures. Sec. 7-1-220
For more information contact Town Administrator Hank Weber at 719-873-0152 or by email at
The Clerk's Office is responsible for the official records of the Town of South Fork and follows the Town's Open Records Policy.
Public records are available for inspection by appointment between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Written requests will be met within 3 working days upon receipt of a written open records request and receipt of retrieval and/or copy fees. Extenuating circumstances may result in a seven working day extension.