Residential and Commercial Building Permit Applications are available for pick up at South Fork Town Hall or from the provided links.
Residential and Commercial inspections are done by the Town's contracted Building affiliate Mr. Greg Hindes who can be reached at 719-580-2838 or by email at .
A building and zoning permit shall first be obtained from the Land Use Administrator of the Town of South Fork before a building or structure regulated by this code shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, and altered. A building and zoning permit shall be required for any new construction, and addition to an existing building and structure which requires a foundation, any remodeling which involves the integrity of the building or structure and/or additions to buildings that change the exterior dimensions of the building such as decks, patios, or porches.
A building and zoning permit shall not be required for the following:
- One story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet.
- Fences no more than 7’ high.
- Retaining walls, which are not over 4 feet in height, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge.
- Water tanks supported upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2 to 1.
- Sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above adjacent grade and not over any basement or story below.
- Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish.
- Prefabricated swimming pools that are less than 24 inches deep.
- Swings and other playground equipment accessory to a one or two family dwelling.
- Window awnings supported by an exterior wall.
- Remodeling that does not involve a foundation, involve the integrity of the structure or change the exterior dimensions of the building. Decks, patios and porches do change the exterior dimensions of the building.
- A deck less than 200 sq. ft. separated from another such structure by 10 ft. or more, without a roof and not more than 30 inches above grade.
Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrical, and mechanical permits will be required for the above-exempt items.
Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.
Residential setbacks are:
Commercial setbacks are:
The Town of South Fork has a snow load of 58lbs.
Building Guide links:
For Questions Contact:
Hank Weber
Land Use Administrator
Greg Hindes
Building Inspector
Call Before You Dig!
The law requires that you notify your utility services at least 48 hours before you dig a hole, large or small, on your property. If you dig a hole without calling the line-locating number, you could be fined and charged for the repair. The service is free! You can reach it by calling 811, this is a nation wide number. They will contact all the companies that have underground lines in your area and dispatch professionals to mark them on your property. Please remember to call before you dig.
Underground Utility and Street Cut Permit
Town of South Fork Municipal Code
Building Permit Fees:
Minimum fee | $100.00 |
Residential construction | $0.45/sf |
Manufactured housing, residential | $0.36/sf |
Utility, storage, deck, and patio | $0.18/sf |
Commercial construction, including storage | $0.70/sf |
Renewal of building permit | $50.00 |
Remodel roof, structural or windows | $50.00 |
Note: plus any additional cost incurred that might require out-sourced inspection cost, above the permit fee |
Floodplain Management Information
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is a federal program that enables property owners to purchase flood insurance. Established by Congress through the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, the NFIP is operated under the jurisdiction of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This flood insurance is designed to provide an alternative to federal disaster assistance for property damage caused by floods.
The Town is active in floodplain management. The goals of the program are to:
- Reduce flood hazards,
- Regulate floodplain activities,
- Educate the public about floods and floodplains.
By participating in the NFIP, flood insurance is available to local property owners, and the Town is eligible for Federal and State funds following a flood event.
For insurance purposes, a determination as to whether or not your property (within the Town limits) is in a mapped regulatory flood hazard area can be requested by contacting the Land Use Administrator Hank Weber at or 719-873-0152.
Town of South Fork Municipal Code.
If you don't see the application that you are needing please contact Hank Weber at 719-873-0152 or email to
Municipal Code Chapter 16 Land Use and Development
Boundary Line Adjustment Application
Planned Unit Development Application
Land Use Application Fees:
Land Use Application | $30.00 |
Zoning change | $600.00 |
Boundary line adjustment | $125.00 |
Conditional Use Applications | $250.00 |
Minor subdivision (3 lots or less) | $500.00 |
Major subdivision | $5,000.00 |
PLUS additional fee per lot and any review expenses | $100.00 |
Planned Unit Development | $5,000.00 |
PLUS additional fee per lot and any review expenses | $100.00 |
Planned Unit Development, Economic Development | $5,000.00 |
PLUS additional fee per lot | $100.00 |
Planned Unit Development, large scale | $5,000.00 |
PLUS additional fee per lot | $100.00 |
Re-plat of subdivision and PUDs | $100.00 |
PUD Modification | $5,000.00 |
PLUS additional fee per lot | $100.00 |
Mobile home and Recreational Vehicle Park | $2,000.00 |
Major Subdivision renewal | $300.00 |
Variance application | $300.00 |
Application for hearing before the Board of Adjustment | $300.00 |
Home Occupation | $30.00 |
Vacated Easements | $200.00 |
Minimum charge plus any additional fees for staff and/or professional review as necessary |
Town of South Fork Maps

Town of South Fork Zoning Map

Town of South Fork Short-Term Rental District Map
A Property Search, GIS Parcel Viewer and Plat Maps can be viewed through the Rio Grande County Land Use Website Page
*These plat maps are for assessment purposes only; they are NOT intended to be used for legal purposes.
South Fork Area Maps are coded 19 to 23.
Short Term Rental Information
A "short-term rental" (STR) or vacation rental is the renting or leasing of a furnished home, cabin, condominium, one (1) unit of a multifamily unit, modular living unit or mobile home or recreational vehicle for a short-term stay, either on a daily or weekly basis for twenty-nine (29) or fewer days during a one-month period.
The Board of Trustees have established (12) twelve Short-Term Rental divisions within the Town of South Fork. (Attached as Appendix A)
a. Short-Term Rental percentages are capped at 13 percent of the total number of housing units within those divisions; except, divisions 1, 4 and 8.
b. Divisions 1, 4 and 8 have been designated as high capacity Short-Term Rentals based upon their development and or current high capacity of Short-Term Rentals.
c. Divisions 1, 4 and 8 do not have an established percentage cap.
d. Cap limits shall be reflected as a whole number. Decimal values will not be considered. Caps of 13 percent are acceptable, 14 percent is not.

Division 1 (Rio Vista and Vista Del Rio)-No Cap
Division 2 (Riverside Estates, Hudson's Sentinal Mtn Club, and Deer Park)-is at 7%
Division 3 (County Road 15, Highland Meadows)-is at 6%
Division 4 (Big River Way)-No Cap
Division 5 (River Greens, Rivers Edge Mtn Views and Riviere Estates)-is at 1%
Division 6 (Ponderosa Estates, Ponderosa Country Estates, Ponderosa Valley Estates and Pine Cone)-is at 13%
Division 7 (Dakota Park and South Fork Small Tract)-is at 10%
Division 8 (Foot Hills #2)-No Cap
Division 9 (Log Haven, Riverstone Estates, Cliffside Shadows, and Rivergate, Garriott)-is at 20%
Division 10 (Red Bluff, Beaver Mesa)-is at 21%
Division 11 (Hidden Springs and South Fork Ranchos)-is at 4%
Division 12 (Jackson Heights, Locklaven, Bonnaville Estates)-is at 7%
Short Term Rental Waiting List
Short-Term Rental Use Approval Requirements for Short-Term Rentals with in the Town Limits of the Town of South Fork
The following criteria shall be met before the Short Term Rental Use Permit is issued. Any violation of these conditions may result in an administrative revocation of this permit. Excessive number of verified complaints associated with the short term rental use of this property may result in an administrative revocation of this permit and could be subject to a fine not exceeding two thousand, six hundred and fifty dollars ($2,650.00) with each day of continued violation being considered as a separate offense. There must be a permanent dwelling on the property to qualify for a Short Term Rental permit.
- Payment of $1,500 Short Term Rental Application Fee. This fee includes payment for a Town of South Fork Business License and Life Safety Inspection and is for both new applications and annual renewals of all Short Term Rental Permits.
- The Owner must possess a current Town of South Fork Business License; the Business License will be renewed annually for every year the Owner desires to let the premises be used as a short-term rental unit. The Business License may be denied or revoked if the Owner is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Permit, as well as other applicable laws. All permits are non-transferrable. All renewal applications and fees shall be due at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the existing permit. A thirty-day grace period will be extended to a renewal deadline of an expired permit from the same owner. After thirty (30) days, a new permitting process will be required. Deadlines and required paperwork will be strictly adhered to and missed deadlines and incomplete paperwork will be grounds for immediate declination of new and renewal permits. Vacated permits under the established cap will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
- A life safety inspection shall be ordered on a yearly basis by the Owner, and completed by the Town. Owner shall provide proof of inspection at time of Permit renewal. Such inspection shall determine the following:
- Fire extinguisher shall be mounted to a wall in the kitchen and utility/HVAC area and near any heat source area (for example: fireplace or grill);
- Smoke alarms and CO alarms shall be installed outside of each sleeping area door, in the kitchen and in the utility/HVAC area;
- Egress/Fire Escape/Ladder; and
- Maximum Occupancy Notice(s) shall be clearly posted (1 occupant for every 200 gross square feet of space).
- The property owner must display the Town business license number after the name of the business on all advertisements on media sites, i.e.…Big Deer Cabin #1234567.
- No trash or garbage shall be left outside. Trash and garbage receptacles will be “bear proof.”
- No on-street parking shall be permitted at the rental unit.
- Required liability insurance on property.
- ATV’s shall comply with all rules, regulations and permitting requirements set forth by the Town of South Fork. Rules for ATV’s and routes through town shall be posted on the property.
- It is against State law to feed the wildlife
- Observe any current fire restrictions for outdoor fires and use of BBQ’s
It is the owner’s and/or applicant’s responsibility to determine if there are any rules, regulations and/or covenants that would impact the ability to use the property as a short-term rental. The Town of South Fork does not enforce HOA/POA covenants or deed restrictions.
The owner of a short term rental (or an owner’s representative) shall reside in Rio Grande County or an adjacent county that shall remain on call for the entire duration of any period in which the property is occupied as a short-term rental. Contact information for the owner, or owner’s representative shall be listed on the notice of Short-Term Rental Rules and kept on file at Town Hall. Contact information for the owner or owner’s representative shall also be posted inside of the building in a conspicuous location.
All owners are required to collect taxes from renters of STR and remit to the Department of Revenue in compliance with state requirements;
- Specific taxes to be collected are sales tax, which includes State, County, and Local sales tax; Lodging tax; and if applicable, Marketing District tax.
- Evidence of the issuance of the Colorado State sales tax license and Lodging Tax is required as a condition of the Town Administrator approval of the permit.
- Evidence of payment of Lodging Tax.
The above are typical conditions and the Town at its discretion may develop and publish additional criteria supplementing the above listed requirements. Short-Term Rental policies will be reviewed annually or more frequently at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. The Short Term Rental Use Permit shall be issued upon the recording of the Short Term Rental Permit Agreement by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk shall not record the Agreement until all requirements listed in the Agreement have been met by the Owner of the Property.
Online Short-Term Rental Application
Downloadable Short Term Rental Application
To file a STR violation or complaint please fill out this form
For any questions on a Short-Term Rental please email us at or call us at 719-873-0152.
Town of South Fork Municipal Code
Sec. 7-1-310 Loud and Obnoxious Noises.
Business Emergency Contact Form
Tax Information for Outfitter & Owners of Short-Term Rentals
Pay for your Short Term Rental Application
Sign Permit Information
The Town of South Fork regulates the display and construction of signs. Sign permits are required to ensure all new signs comply with the requirements of the Sign Regulations, and to protect the public from hazardous conditions that result from signs that are unsafe or obscure the vision of motorists.
Signs within the Town of South Fork
A sign is any display or message intended to attract attention. Signs can contain commercial or non-commercial information. Signs include words, pictures, trademarks. See the Town of South Fork Municipal Code.
Do I need a sign permit?
Any sign visible to the public from a street, parking area, mall or other circulation area open to the general public is required to have a sign permit unless the sign complies with the exempt sign provisions.
Sign Permits One Time Fee: $30
Temporary Sign Permits Annual Fee: $10
You can also pay for your Sign Permit online.
Permits and Applications
Fill out our online form for
Download and fill out the form:
or contact Land Use Administrator Hank Weber at 719-873-0152 or visit the South Fork Town Hall at 0100 Silver Thread Lane for a printed copy.